All about Banian

28 Dezember 2021

Database to database streaming with Apache Kafka and Exasol

This article shows how to efficiently feed data flows into a relational database system in near real time. This means that the data is loaded and processed when it occurs and is quickly available to the company for analytical purposes. This approach is known as real-time / near real-time processing. In contrast to (near) real-time loads are batch loads, in which data is loaded and processed at time X (for example, daily or weekly) in correspondingly large quantities. So instead of working with data that can be over 24 hours old, (near) real-time processing allows you to use very recent data. This enables companies to react faster and significantly increases the timeliness of the information content. Data from different source systems can be loaded and processed via the same stream.

Specifically, we will show how Exasol can work together with the streaming platform Kafka. In the following use case, the integration of Exasol as a sink and source system, i.e. as a target or source system, for Kafka is presented and implemented in a test example.

26 Juli 2021

Automated data retrieval from the Internet

Being able to react dynamically to content on the Internet can be very helpful for automating workflows. But how can this advanced task be easily implemented? Alteryx Analytic Process Automation (APA) software provides a practical no-code alternative for business users to dynamically access a variety of data sources - including the Internet.

The purpose of this article is to illustrate how to automatically download data from the Internet, aggregate it, and save it in a variety of formats. The Excel data used comes from the SIX website, which publishes weekly updated trading reports as Excel files. The data in these reports comes from the Swiss stock exchange and contains data of securities.

05 Juli 2021

What is artificial intelligence? - Part 5

To round out the series of articles on AI, this fifth and final article is about use cases: where can AI best be used to achieve business benefits? This mini-series on artificial intelligence in business is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises interested in integrating advanced data analytics into their business processes.

26 Mai 2021

The Banian team has grown

Banian has three new roots. Since the end of March and beginning of April, Kirsten Kleim, Stefan Habermacher and Rahel Schaub have been working with us. Kirsten and Stefan bring a lot of experience in the areas of Data Science and Data Engineering. Rahel supports Philipp and Dominik as an executive assistant in the areas of Marketing & Sales and Partner Management. Find out more about the individual personalities by reading the short Q&A.

12 Januar 2021

The power of authenticity

Jeroen Loosli - our partner in organizational development - has written a blog post for us on the topic of authenticity in the working world. Learn why it hurts companies when employees wear masks and how a culture of authenticity can be created instead.




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