BPM of the next generation
Bpanda is the next generation web-based BPM solution for actively involving all employees in the process design of your company. Thanks to innovative functions and proximity to the process user, the continuous improvement process in the company is actively supported. This means that users who live the processes can model them independently and easily. In collaboration with a modeling expert, those representations can then be developed further.
Find and understand processes easily
Bpanda's intuitive and modern user interface allows everyone in the company to easily find their way around the process landscape. All relevant process information can be found quickly and easily. Based on the clear preparation of this information, all team members understand which work steps need to be completed.
Model and extend processes yourself
Regardless of one's modeling skills, Bpanda empowers anyone to model independently. The table-based editor automatically creates the "Happy Path" - the typical standard course of a process - after information input. The result: a BPMN 2.0-compliant process that can be extended in the Modeler at any time.
Develop and evaluate processes together
Bpanda creates direct communication channels so that everyone can share process-related knowledge with their colleagues. Reviews make it possible to give direct feedback on processes and to develop them further together as a team. This continuously improves process quality throughout the company and creates a transparent working environment.
Jobs - Bringing processes to life
A classic problem of process management is that processes are modeled in a silent chamber and gather dust on some intranet pages. With the "Jobs" function, modeled jobs can be brought to life.
The defined process is run through step-by-step with all process participants. A visual support helps to keep the overview and to clarify responsibilities. The members of the process can exchange information with each other and thus clarify ambiguities directly in the process. Process owners and architects also benefit when the processes are lived this way: by logging the steps as well as the communication, process problems can be identified and optimized directly. This is how process management is lived today.

Banian ist als Preferred Partner im direkten Austausch mit der MID Gmbh und arbeitet eng zusammen.
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